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Swimming Pools Night

Do you like fantastic play and water fun? This is an event for you! Let get  October 19  carried away with a wave of attractions during another Swimming Pool Night!

The Swimming Pool Night is not a normal event. This is a dance musical and visual show with 2,000,000 litres of thermal water.

An impressive water scene, colourful and energising dance shows, fire and CO2 launcher, outstanding projections on LED screens and four hours of the best club music mixed live by DJs:Rafael Santi and RTK- 303, that is how the most extraordinary party in Poland can be described briefly.  

Let us take you to the largest water dance floor in Europe and heat our swimming pools red hot with us.

The guest of the evening will be GROMEE - a Polish music producer, remixer, songwriter, DJ, creating mainly club music.

The party is scheduled on October 19  from 20:00 to 24:00. The atmosphere of this exceptional evening will be created by Irek Jakubek- presenter on RMF MAXX radio

The 4FUN.TV. team is having fun with us on site.

During that event you can use all indoor and outdoor swimming pools. 

Add ticket to cart and feel the power of two greatest forces: fire and water. 

Useful information:

  • Parking is free of charge
  • On the spot, there is a shop with necessary swimming accessories.
  • Each entry to the sauna zone is additionally payable in accordance with the applicable price list
  • You will enter the event on the basis of a purchased ticket for the Pool Night.




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